Monday, May 26, 2008

My parents are leaving me

So, we live in Arizona, as do my parents. Well, they (we, as I'm helping them drive back) leave on Sunday for Missouri. I will miss them dearly. I know they are going where they feel the Lord is leading them. I just keep praying that He leads them back! My brothers and their families are up there, so it's hard to compete when we just have 2 little ones and they'll have 5 grandbabies up there soon. Here's our picture with them from their farewell party yesterday. I hope my brothers appreciate the sacrifice we are making down here!!!!!!


WO - WO said...

HEY you ALL - We feel your pain! Ryan said he found a nice house for sale. Just call him direct to let him know your offer :) Seriously, it is hard to hear of all the going away parties and good people there. It is a nice situation you have going out there.
It is hard to get used to the fact that they will be here soon. I think we have become numb to living with out them. Ten years is a long time. Man, the kids are excited to see Grandma and Grandpa! They can't wait for the fishing, hiking on the land, games, sports, and the frequent trip to Quik Trip. Don't you all forget the boat is always ready for a surprise visit!!!

Tiffany said...

I am still trying to figure out this blog thing too. I will have to see how to leave a comment as a blogger not just a "person". It will be great to see you in a week. Maybe we all can just relocate to I the only one who is still leaving that open for an option!? :)

Sarah said...

Sorry to hear that Amy... feel up to swinging up to camp for a day? You'll be in the same time zone...

Sarah said...

We LOVE having a Barista in the family.... she is, after all... spectacular!

Brenda Rae said...

Missouri - can't they come a little bit further north to Iowa! Actually parts of MO are fun to live in - we are they going?